How to Save Money with the Seoul Subway Commuter Card 

How to Save Money with the Seoul Subway Commuter Card 


What is the Seoul Subway Commuter Card (정기 승차권)?

Want to save some money in subway transportation fees within Seoul? For Seoulites or Seoul commuters who frequently use the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system, the Seoul Subway Commuter Card, aka, the “정기 승차권” can save you up to 20,000 won per month in subway fees!

The Seoul Subway Commuter Card (정기 승차권) is a special, subway-only transportation card that allows you to access Seoul’s subway system at a discounted rate. Unlike the T-Money card, which debits the cost of each subway ride by won, the commuter card deducts transportation by the number of subway ride credits. Here’s how it works.



How does the commuter card save me money?

The Seoul Subway Commuter Card (정기 승차권) works as a rechargeable 60-ride pass within the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system that must be used within 30 days from the start date that you designate. 


Calculating your Seoul subway savings

The total prepaid charge for these 60 subway rides within Seoul is only 55,000 won, essentially reducing your otherwise base subway fare of 1,250 won to a mere 916 won per ride. This translates to a savings of 334 won per ride. Therefore, whereas the standard total fee for 60 subway rides would cost, at minimum, 75,000 won (=60 rides x base rate 1,250 won), the commuter card saves you at least 20,000 won per month. 

As long as you travel within the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system, your card will only deduct 1 ride credit regardless of the distance. This is in contrast to your standard T-Money card, which charges the base fare of 1,250 won for single-journey distances up to 10 km and additional 100-won increments for longer distances. 

For more information on Seoul’s T-Money card subway rates as well as how to map out your destination using the Subway Korea app, please refer to the Seoul Subway Guide


Where can I get the commuter card in Seoul?

Your initial investment in this magical commuter pass is the 2,500 won fee for the card itself. The commuter card is only available for purchase inside the subway station office. Just visit the office with 2,500 won in cash and ask the clerk for the 정기 승차권. Please note that the card is not available for purchase at the subway ticket dispensers or your local convenience store. 


Loading the commuter card

With your new commuter card in hand, walk up to any card-charging kiosk to load, just as you would for your T-Money card. Simply place your card on the top-up shelf and after selecting your language preference, the screen will display the total cost (55,000 won) of the 60-day pass. 

Insert your 55,000 won payment in cash, and the screen will prompt you to enter the start date for the commuter card. This is the date you wish to begin using the card and also marks the first day of the 30-day window in which all 60 rides can be used. The “60 rides within 30 days” policy is based on a “use it or lose it” model. Therefore, if you still have some rides remaining by the 30th day, they will not carry over. 


Is the commuter card worth it for transportation within Seoul?

If you live and/or work in Seoul and rely on the subway for all or most of your inner-city transportation, the commuter card may be a sensible choice for your wallet. Most Seoul residents use up the 60 rides well within the 30-day timeframe. 

Even if you have some ride credits left (up to 16, in fact), you will have gotten your money’s worth by the 44th ride (44 rides x base rate 1,250 won= 55,000 total card charge) had you simply used your T-Money card for subway rides within Seoul.



Is there anything else I should know?

1. Use the Seoul Subway Commuter Card only for Seoul subway access

As its name suggests, the Seoul Subway Commuter Card can only be used at the discounted rate within the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system. This means that one ride credit will be deducted based on a single trip that starts and ends within Seoul. However, if you start your trip, say, at Seoul Station, and mosey on over to a final destination in another Special City or Province (e.g.,  Incheon Station, Oido Station in Gyeonggi Province, etc.) your card will deduct additional ride credits. 


2. That’s right - Seoul subway only

Your Seoul Subway Commuter Card cannot be used for other modes of transportation, such as Korea’s bus system or as credit for cab fare. If you attempt to use the commuter card as you navigate the Seoul City Bus System, you will be met with an automated rejection message. Remember this when mapping out rides that require transfers and plan your routes accordingly. For a list of apps that can help you plan your destination routes by subway, check out these apps you need for living in Korea.


3. How many ride credits do I have left?

It’s easy to track how many rides you have left and the remaining time left to use your credits. Simply place your card in the top-up shelf of any card-charging kiosk and your credits and expiration date will appear on the screen. 


Living your colorful and active lifestyle within the equally vibrant and fast-paced city of Seoul can be costly, especially if you’re constantly on the go. Taking advantage of the Seoul Subway Commuter Card (정기 승차권) can be a smart and easy way to save some of your hard-earned won to spend it on a variety of other travel activities or online shopping indulgences in Korea. 


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